Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who can submit a claim?
  2. When can I submit a claim?
  3. Where can I mail my Tier-One or Tier-Two Claim Form?
  4. Where can I email my Tier-Two Claim Form?
  5. When will I receive my product voucher or check card?
  6. Who should I contact if I have questions?
  7. Who should I contact if I have trouble using a product voucher online?
  8. Where can I find an All Battery Center Store?
  9. Where can I find settlement-related dates and updates on the settlement process?

1. Who can submit a claim?

Read the Claim Instructions page to find out if you are eligible to submit a claim.

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2. When can I submit a claim?

You can submit a Tier-One or Tier-Two Claim Form now.

If you are eligible to submit a claim, you must submit your claim before the Submission Deadline. If you purchased your replacement battery on or before April 30, 2012, your Submission Deadline is December 31, 2012. If you purchased your replacement battery on or after May 1, 2012, your Submission Deadline is one year after the date you bought your replacement battery. No one can ever submit a clam later than December 31, 2020.

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3. Where can I mail my Tier-One or Tier-Two Claim Form?

If you mail your form, use this address:

Interstate Batteries
Customer Service Department
P.O. Box 515556
Dallas, Texas 75151-5556

Remember, you can submit a Tier-One claim online through the Tier-One Claim Form page. Also remember that a Tier-Two Claim Form must be mailed or emailed with your receipt for your pro-rata-replacement battery purchase.

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4. Where can I email my Tier-Two Claim Form?

You can email a Tier-Two Claim Form as a PDF (with a PDF of your receipt for your pro-rata-replacement battery purchase) to

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5. When will I receive my product voucher or check card?

Interstate Batteries will mail or email you any product voucher or check card within 30 days of the date Interstate Batteries receives your valid Tier-One or Tier-Two Claim Form. Remember that a Tier-Two Claim Form must be mailed or emailed with your receipt for your pro-rata-replacement battery purchase.

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6. Who should I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions about the proposed settlement, you can contact Class Counsel by visiting

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7. Who should I contact if I have trouble using a product voucher online?

Interstate Batteries

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8. Where can I find an All Battery Center Store?

You can find an All Battery Center Store through Interstate Batteries Website,, or by calling 1.800.203.6549 or 1.888.772.3600.

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9. Where can I find settlement-related dates and updates on the settlement process?

The Timetable and Updates page has information about Court-ordered dates in the settlement, and other relevant dates. That page will also be used, if necessary, to communicate new information relevant to Settlement Class Members.

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